Reporter: Hello Daniel Taylor! In the preliminary conversation, I must admit, you shocked me. Until now, your words that:
“People think that the worms will eat them after death, but in fact they are devoured from the inside while still alive.”
Daniel Taylor: So it really is. In almost 90% of cases, when I do an autopsy, I see a terrible picture. The bodies of the dead are infested with parasites! And I observe them not only in the gastrointestinal tract, as many people think. Parasites often live in the lungs, heart, liver and even the brain! Their colonies inhabit the internal organs, and the larvae feed on the tissues of living people!
Just yesterday I did an autopsy: a woman, 50 years old. Died of heart failure. So what do parasites have to do with it? And despite the fact that their waste products lead to disruption of the work of all organs, including the heart. I found a huge amount of parasites in her intestines. With such "neighbors", unfortunately, they do not live long.

Another case: male, 61 years old. Died of cirrhosis of the liver. Relatives think alcohol is to blame. Only he did not drink so much and there are no signs of alcoholic destruction of the liver, but the liver was simply eaten away by parasites, I found hundreds of passages along which the worms moved.
Another case that even shocked me. The brain of a 49-year-old patient was completely colonized by parasites and their larvae. The cause of death was ischemic cerebral stroke. But this is only a consequence! In fact, the parasites simply fed on human brain tissues, devoured him alive! During his lifetime, the patient suffered from headaches, he had sleep and memory disorders. Then, when already many areas were affected, epilepsy was added. Six months later he died.
Another recent story. The patient died of intestinal cancer caused by parasites. Parasites poison healthy cells with their toxins, which is why they are forced to regenerate, change their structure. And they are reborn precisely into cancer cells, which are more aggressive and able to resist parasites. But for humans, these cells are destructive. The tumor grows rapidly and metastasizes. A person dies within a matter of months.

Moves of parasites in the intestinal lumen
Reporter: I just can't believe it! Sounds terrible
Daniel Taylor: By the way, did you know that 99.87% of severe cases are people with a parasitic infection? My colleagues and I are constantly confronted during the autopsy of those who died from infection with infection with parasites. And again, no one talks about this, because the question will immediately arise - what is the reason for so many cases of parasitic infection?
Reporter: And what is the reason for the general infection? Why do so many people suffer and die from this?
Daniel Taylor: The reason is simple. In our country, there are diseases that are generally not customary to treat. Does anyone here seriously deal with the problem of parasitic infection? And, to be honest, the people in our country are not the most responsible. They go to the experts when it's too late. Does anyone pay attention to abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, bloating? And these are the first bells that cannot be ignored.
I have been working with parasites for many years. I've seen things that make your hair stand on end! People underestimate the dangers, they think that parasites are worms that live in the intestines. But it is not so. There are many types of parasites. For example, there are microscopic, but very toxic. They poison your body, penetrate into the bloodstream, into the heart, deplete it with their toxins, lead to ischemia, heart failure, hypertension, and as a result, heart attacks and strokes. They settle in the lungs, liver, penetrate the brain and even organs live in the eyes!
Representatives of helminths that affect vital organs are Taenia solium, echinococcus (Echinococcus granulosus), trichinella (Trichinella spiralis). Echinococcus is a larval stage of a helminth from the genus Echinococcus. And this is not all types of parasites that can kill a person.
But experts are accustomed to treating the consequences, not the cause of heart disease. Corruption is rampant in our country. No one is taking this problem seriously. Fraud is all around.
Reporter: Why do you think this is happening? Why in our country the problem of general infection with parasites remains without attention?
Daniel Taylor: Yes, people are dying en masse. We write only the final cause of death, and no one says that infection with parasites leads to death, this is not accepted.
Reporter: Do they even exist, these funds? How can people protect themselves and save their lives?
Daniel Taylor: Of course, there are good resources.
Judge for yourself. The patient takes a pill, his condition seems to be improving. But parasites are extremely tenacious! Their eggs have an extremely hard shell. And as soon as the action of the remedy stops, they multiply again, their larvae devour the body from the inside, penetrate with the bloodstream into the heart, lungs, liver and brain. The heart muscle weakens, wears out quickly, immunity decreases, and oncology occurs.
Millions of colonies of parasites fill the entire body and penetrate with current into the heart, lungs, kidneys, liver and even the brain!
Many believe that it is enough to take a pill, and the problem is solved. But it's not! One pill won't do it, it's just impossible! And if you constantly drink aggressive chemicals, they will destroy the body even faster than parasites. It turns out a vicious circle.
Reporter: And what about ordinary people?
Daniel Taylor: What to do? Fight against our sales system, do not interfere with the supply of effective drugs to pharmacies, do not raise the price of existing drugs, do not sell them abroad after all!
Yes, and people themselves should not be lazy and take action at the first symptoms of infection, and not wait until the parasites kill you.
Reporter: In one of your recent TV interviews you talked about some good remedy that can get rid of parasites? What is that remedy?

Daniel Taylor: Yes, in that interview I was referring to Xitox. It is a unique and the ONLY biphasic preparation that can kill all kinds of parasites and is completely safe for humans.
Xitox is a development of the American Center for Molecular Biology. At the international congress in Geneva, she received the Medical Breakthrough Award and was recognized by leading parasitologists around the world.
Unlike analogues, Xitox is a very powerful, but at the same time completely natural complex, and is produced in the form of patches.
Reporter: In that interview, you also talked about how to use this remedy. Please share it with our readers.

Daniel Taylor: Its contents should be applied to the foot. Prevents the reproduction of parasites. The active substances that accumulate in their body interfere with the formation and laying of eggs in helminths. Inhibits the process of cell division in protozoan parasites. Parasites without reproductive functions die quickly. By stimulating and restoring peristalsis, the active ingredients of the remedy daily eliminate parasite eggs from the intestines, preventing them from maturing until they are completely cleansed. In addition, they purify the blood, lymphatic system, intercellular space from toxic products of parasites and prevent the spread of human papillomavirus.
Reporter: How does Xitox affect the human body?
Daniel Taylor: With course use, Xitox not only completely eliminates parasites, but also improves the intestinal microflora, strengthens the immune system, and restores the body after intoxication.
It would seem that after such recognition, pharmacies should stand in line for the right to sell Xitox. The state should adopt this tool. But no. Complete, deathly silence. No one seemed to notice the breakthrough.

Reporter: And how long do you need to use this patch for the body to clear?
Daniel Taylor: Xitox gradually cleanses, acts consistently, step by step:
1 Week
Due to the decrease in the toxic effects of parasites, fatigue and apathy disappear. Digestion and appetite are normalized. You will notice an improvement in mood and increased efficiency in the first week of the course.
2-3 weeks
Thanks to the additional healing effect of plant extracts, your immunity will become stronger, allergic reactions and other health problems will decrease.
4-5 weeks
As soon as the toxic effect of parasites on the body stops, you will notice obvious external improvements and even a rejuvenation effect. Eruptions on the skin, including papillomas, will begin to disappear.
6-7 week
The digestive system and all internal processes are normalized, excess weight will go away, the pressure will return to normal, the heart will work like clockwork. Many after the course have health problems that have bothered for many years. You will extend your life by 10-15 years!
Get rid of 7 diseases in 7 weeks!
Reporter: What will a person get after a course of cleansing the body with Xitox? How will his condition improve?
Daniel Taylor: Oh, a person will get a lot after the Xitox course! After all, parasites have a detrimental effect on the entire body. And as a result of therapy, the body is completely cleansed, many say that they feel as if they were born again.
See for yourself:
1. Pressure returns to normal
Firstly, it is a complete renewal of the heart and blood vessels. For 7 weeks of regular intake of Xitox, the vascular system is completely cleared. In other words, the vessels come to life and “extinguish” fluctuations in blood pressure without any problems. The vessels compensate for any drop and will keep a stable pressure of 120 to 80.
2. Improves blood supply to the brain
After a course of Xitox therapy, the blood is cleared by 73%, and cerebral circulation improves
Patients are delighted to report that they have:
- Improves memory.
- Sleep is normalized, lethargy and weakness disappear.
- Stops ringing in the ears.
- Headaches stop.
3. The cornea and retina are restored, vision improves
Xitox cleanses not only large vessels and arteries from parasite toxins, but also the smallest capillaries. They are especially numerous in the eyes. This leads to the renewal of retinal cells and an improvement in the muscle tone of the eyes.
- Visual acuity improves from 0.5 to 2.1 units.
- The eye pressure is normalized.
- Decreased symptoms of cataracts.
4. Edema disappears
The correct functioning of the kidneys and fluid metabolism in the body are restored. The kidneys stop retaining water, and there is no need to take diuretics.
- Stop hurting and swollen legs.
- The stomach decreases, because the swelling of the organs subsides.
- The liquid leaves the lungs, it becomes easier to breathe.
5. Stomach and intestines stop bothering
The most pronounced problems due to parasites:
- Bloating, increased gas formation, belching.
- Chair problems.
- Indigestion, bad breath.
- Gastritis, ulcer, heartburn, acidity.
6. The heart is restored
Purification of parasites has a positive effect on the tone of the heart muscle. In 93% of cases, tachycardia disappears, in 99% ischemia is cured.
- The heart rate and pulse normalize.
- The pain in the heart is gone.
- The risk of a heart attack is reduced by 17 times.
7. Improves the condition of the skin
- Papillomas and warts disappear.
- The skin becomes cleaner, hydrated, wrinkles are smoothed out.
- Rashes, acne pass, the complexion becomes fresh.
Immunity begins to work to its fullest and protects against cancer!
The immune system is formed in the gut. And parasites greatly weaken the immune defense of our body. Immunity is a protector not only from viruses, fashionable now Covid-19. The main function of a strong immune system is to protect against cancer cells. A strong immune system recognizes and destroys cancer cells in time. Does not give rise to a full-fledged tumor.
An immune system that works at least 50% is already an insurmountable barrier to viruses. And this is also very important today.

Get rid of parasites and extend your life by 15-18 years!
Reporter: You said you can't buy Xitox in pharmacies. But you can still get it, right?
Daniel Taylor: Yes, all American citizens can order Xitox via the Internet directly from the manufacturing plant under a special discount program.
Reporter: Why is this drug only available online?
Daniel Taylor: This is done for three reasons:
- Quality assurance. Xitox is shipped directly from the factory to the customer.
- Protection from intermediaries. So that no one could wind up 10-20-30 thousand on resale.
- Fast targeted delivery.
Regional benefits for pensioners!
Daniel Taylor: 5 counties now have a welfare fund program. Under this program, you can order Xitox with a 50% discount.
Benefits are primarily provided to persons over 45 years of age living in states with an increased epidemiological situation:
- N.S.W.
- Queensland
- South America
- Victoria
- ☑ Your state
Therefore, I strongly advise the residents of these districts: do not waste time! There won't be a second chance like this. It is not known how long the program will last, and how long Xitox stocks will last.
Get Xitox right now!
The promotion period is - 2023 (inclusive)! During the promotional offer, you can buy this product at a unique price!
Daniel Taylor: To get 50% off Xitox promotion, open one of these slots and get your personalized discount.
ATTENTION: As part of the promotion from the distributor, Xitox can be obtained with a 50% discount on the promotion. To do this, you need to open one of the cells and get a discount, then fill out the order form below until (inclusive) . The number of promotional items is limited.

You can pick up Xitox with a 50% discount.
I ordered Xitox 8 months ago, then there was no program. I read how one woman died from a pharmaceutical remedy for parasites (I will not name the name). This really scared me a lot and I began to look for something more gentle and effective for myself. I definitely wouldn't poison my body again! So I found Xitox patches. We are summer residents, constantly in contact with the ground and we need to regularly clean ourselves of all rubbish. Glued Xitox and now feel MUCH better. Now we recommend Xitox to everyone!
Picked up a package in the mail yesterday! Tomorrow I start the course, I hope to improve both my health and the condition of my skin. Very fast delivery by the way!
My stomach has been hurting for a long time, although I go to specialists, but all to no avail. They did everything, blood, urine, cardiograms, but no one wants to check me for parasites! I passed the test here on the site, and I have all the symptoms - weakness, papillomas, I can’t go to the toilet for a week. I ordered Xitox while there is such an opportunity, thanks for telling me about it.
I'm intimidated by your story! Thank you for not being afraid to share. Today I picked up my package with Xitox. Thank you!
Well, that's why you can't run it in a pharmacy if it's a good remedy? We know how to use a computer, but other people? My mother is in the village, of course, there are a lot of living creatures, she works on the ground, it became scary for her. And what about her and her neighbors? I consider that we are lucky that we read and can order using the program. And those who haven't read it will never know.
Some tin. I did not know that parasites can cause such severe diseases!
Thanks for the useful information. We used the Xitox for a month, both my husband and I began to feel MUCH better!
My tests were confirmed, there are parasites. They also sent me to the pharmacy for pills, but I have diabetes and kidney disease. I decided that I’d better buy Xitox, you can order at a discount at a discount and the composition is natural, which means it won’t hurt.
And what did you think, now they ran up to you good means to sell. They need to do what they get paid for.
Oh guys, I didn't think at first that parasites are the cause of my problems. And papillomas got out, they were not born. Indeed, as this specialist says, until the rooster pecks ... he did not attach any importance to this at all. And then the heart began to fool around and the liver. So I ordered Xitox plasters and began to glue them on my feet every night as it should be. And two days later, this is what came out of me, who is squeamish, you better not look.
Removed parasites Xitox! I feel like I was reborn! If only I knew earlier that the cause of my illnesses is in these parasites! Now I ordered for the whole family, while the promotion is valid.
My husband and I often got sick, sometimes one after the other. And there were problems with the intestines, but we did not think that these were parasites. And when my husband had acute appendicitis and he was taken away in an ambulance, the specialist told me that parasites were found in him during the operation! I was simply shocked. They both took the Xitox course, as I took my husband from the hospital. And so much filth came out of us - words can not describe! This is scary, you need to regularly sanitize the body!
Dear mothers! Some kind of horror! I did not know that parasites cause such problems, I learned a lot from your article. I took the Xitox course at a discount, I’ll clean myself just in case, otherwise there is pressure and tachycardia. Jokes are bad with the heart.
Yes, the stories are terrifying. And the intensive care unit took my friend right from work - it suddenly became ill. It turned out that parasites were to blame! Imagine, they ate alive, and he did not even know. Barely dragged out of the other world!
Thanks doctor for the advice. I ordered Xitox, we will remove parasites with the whole family, you scared us with your stories)))
Also poisoned parasites Xitox! I feel like I was reborn! If only I knew earlier that the cause of my ailments is all these parasites! Now I ordered it for the whole family, my son, my daughter, while they give a good discount. Got it in the mail today.
Thank you for the useful information, your article helped a lot. There were problems with the gastrointestinal tract, I used Xitox for a month, my stomach stopped hurting, my heart does not bother. A good tool.
If such a good product, why don't they sell it in pharmacies? Do you need to order online?
Zahra Bergen, well, they wrote to you that the product is being sold abroad, you seem to
Oh, this is my favorite Xitox. I regularly take the course twice a year. I've known about him for a long time. It is natural and does not harm the body, but it brings out all settlers at once.
Parasites are no joke. I know for myself. If there are at least a couple of symptoms - cleaning the body will not hurt! I believe that every person should periodically carry out preventive maintenance. Especially those who are on the ground as I work.
I cleaned with Xitox! Really heaven and earth in the sense of health. And before that, I had not been treated with anything. Both pressure, and an arrhythmia were. And as soon as I cleaned it, everything went away in an instant. I feel like I lost 20 years.
I seem to be a physician myself, I have been studying all this for 6 years, but it is still disgusting. Anyone who saw parasites at the autopsy will not forget this. It's good that they finally figured out how to get them out completely. I also recommend Xitox to all my patients
I took the Xitox course on the advice of a specialist friend, I finished back in March. I can say that it also affects the immune system very much. I never got sick, although all the patients around me sneezed
I took part in the drawing, got a very good discount, the minimum price turned out. To celebrate, I decided to complete the full course, clean the organisms. The parcel to Sydney arrived in 3 days, I liked the service, the managers are pleasant, polite and it is clear that the specialists .. I paid for it at the post office.
We are all waiting for a good remedy, we hope for medicine. But only a person can take care of his health. Eat healthy, exercise, wash your hands after all! Yes, use the same Xitox periodically. Do at least something for your health, and then scold the experts!
Xitox works great. I just glue the patch before going to bed, and then after 2-3 days parasites begin to come out of you with a stool. It looks very scary. But it's much scarier when they live inside!
I recently watched a program about human parasites. They told me that in the brain, and in the heart and in the lungs, there are also worms ... terribly terrible! They showed the man there, they even climbed out of his eyes, and everything inside was in full swing!!
I have known about Xitox for a long time. Here they posted a photo of roundworm, and Xitox drives even worse worms. We are a tasty morsel for them. I thought that I was allergic and hypertensive, but it turned out that it was just a home for these guys. Xitox helped of course!
Lord, how scary! I will definitely order this Xitox while the promotion is going on. I don't need such neighbors
Parasites are everywhere! New types have been identified that settle in the bone and connective tissue. They also provoke arthrosis and inflammation. The more I learn, the more I think that without parasites, a person would live 15-20 years longer. After all, they destroy us and accelerate aging.
If there are papillomas and plus the stomach hurts, then these are definitely parasites. I strongly advise you to order “Xitox” right now! I got it all cleared up.
Lord, don't people know that you need to cleanse your body regularly, especially if you like to walk barefoot on the beach. Previously, it was necessary to experiment with different means, to select what would work. Now “Xitox” has been released and I don't know anyone who hasn't been helped. Just spend time on your health, and do not post pictures on the Internet!
Placed an order and got a really good deal. Thank you for such a rewarding program. Lately, I've been feeling worse, as if someone is really taking away my strength. I'll try to clean up.
I get goosebumps from this information and reviews here! It's scary to imagine that all this can live inside me. Maybe they are already there...
99% of people are carriers of parasites! Only our immunity holds them back. I clean myself regularly, but before I did the preparations myself, now I also glue Xitox for 4-5 weeks. When you try it, you will be surprised what a difference in well-being when the body is clean!
Very scary! We keep dogs and regularly worm them. We also drink weed from time to time. But something seems to me that it is necessary to carry out a full-fledged cleaning ... I'll try Xitox, the composition is good, and the discount on it is even better
I glue Xitox for the second week, I am shocked by what is happening to me! I thought it was just a preventive measure, that I had nothing. And this is good!!! I can't describe. Just imagine, it was inside me!
God! Terrible!!! I would die immediately if I noticed this in myself ...
You Xitox use and not see this! In us, a few kilograms of such invaders can live in clover.
I work as a nurse. Sometimes I'm in surgery. When I was, as parasites climbed right from the heart! I saw it with my own eyes. I regularly take anthelmintics, but I think Xitox is more serious than these pharmacy pills
I know this remedy, I used Xitox last year, it was prescribed to me and my specialist did not hide anything. She immediately said that she needed to clean herself, otherwise the allergy would worsen and the body would be poisoned. Xitox helped a lot! I'm glad you can get it on sale now. Left a request.
I use according to the instructions. They explained over the phone about the importance of completing the full course. It was not expensive at a discount, so I follow the instructions. I use Xitox glue at night before bed and it works!
Damn, my tests were confirmed, there are parasites. They also sent me to the pharmacy for pills, but I have diabetes and kidney disease. I read it, and decided that I’d better buy a Xitox, it costs a penny for a share and the composition is natural, which means it won’t hurt.
Oh, friends, I didn’t believe at all that parasites live in me, and when I read the symptoms, everything came together in my head. And papillomas got out, they were not born. And my heart began to hurt. So I ordered this Xitox and began to glue it. My heart stopped pounding, the papillomas shrank. It was as if everything was from parasites.